We tracked changes in math and. One of the approaches that is finding increas- The purpose of this study was to examine the ways in which a competency-based program in an early phase of implementation impacted student learning and faculty instructional practices. In 2020, the pandemic pushed millions of college students around the world into virtual learning. It has the prerequisite characteristics for individualized instruction and therefore has high potential for making teaching-learning process challenging and rewarding. Learning outcomes must be restricted to four or six for each project. Use of online courses in bricks-and-mortar colleges and universities has increased substantially, as have the number of traditional and non-traditional students seeking to take courses online. Do lecture videos increase student understanding and retention, thus improving student outcomes? Low Impact. In the effort to improve students cognition and affective outcomes in mathematics and/or school learning, educational psychologists and mathematics Although dozens of studies have compared student performance As we outline in our new research study released in January, the cumulative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students' academic achievement has been large. Over the last few years, K-12 students have been experiencing higher rates of anxiety, stress, and depression. This paper provides details of the impact of active-learning on academic achievement of students who were primarily first-generation college students and were from groups underrepresented in STEM. The Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia make a policy in which all. Providing opportunities for professional development can have a significant impact on a workplace. The outcomes must indicate the success factor after taking certain assessments. With the rapid growth of information technologies to support teaching and learning activities, adopting innovative technology enhances better learning outcomes of learners (Ofori et al., 2020 ). The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a worldwide study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in member and non-member nations intended to evaluate educational systems by measuring 15-year-old school pupils' scholastic performance on mathematics, science, and reading. Students have a certain degree of anonymity within an online environment. Key themes in attendance research. A 2015 study found that promoting students' social and emotional well-being resulted in significant long-term economic gainsa return of $11 for every $1 investedlargely from better outcomes in students' long-term health, education, and employment, and a decreased likelihood of juvenile and adult crime. To understand how the learning growth of each students, it is important to: draw on your knowledge of these students. We demonstrate that poor air quality disproportionately impacts the human capital accumulation of economically disadvantaged children. 1 During this time of school shutdowns and remote learning . 1 The course materials online students are expected to use vary greatly. 4. What this looks like will depend on the student and their . 5. Think of it as comparing a new drug against an alternative . This can be through a variety of different factors that are often symptoms of poverty, like health issues stemming from a nonnutritional diet, homelessness, lack of food, or the inability to receive medical treatment for illnesses. In the blended learning group, the students had pre-class, in-class (including team-based learning elements), and post-class learning elements. This paper analyses the learning outcomes of various course contents and how it enhances the students' employability. Sport and physical activity can impact mental health by fostering feelings of safety, connection and purpose - ultimately leading to better mood states. Design/methodology/approach: Key dependent variables include standardized learning outcomes in English, reading fluency and math addition problems; while independent variables are the perception of school safety . The promise of technology in the classroom is great: enabling personalized, mastery-based learning; saving teacher time; and equipping students with the digital skills they will need for 21st-century careers. This study will help the school environment in improving their Classroom environment Strategies which ultimately enhance the students' behavior and increase the achievement level of the students as well. The aim of the study is to determine the impact of online learning activities on learning outcomes of students who participated in the blended learning course, focusing specifically on skill-based courses. The course materials students are expected to utilise in online instruction vary. library online consultation and the collaboration with their peers. Teachers often expect less from students of certain racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. Both the government and school authorities are doing much to eliminate discrimination and bullying at school. Pre-recession student-teacher ratios were 15.2-to-1 on average, whereas student-teacher ratios during the recession became 16-to-1, and state education budgets dropped sharply in 2008. The cultural deficit theory proposes that deficiencies in the home environment result in shortcomings in skills, knowledge, and behaviors that contribute to poor school performance. It was first performed in 2000 and then repeated every three years. According to Okorie (2001) student learning outcomes in schools is largely dependent on availability and appropriate utilization of resources, because the students acquire skills using these resources. In fact, students' professional future relies on creating a good work team, in which each member contributes his/her originality and creativity within a common objective. The impact that school leaders can have on student learning is often moderated by other factors including teacher quality, classroom procedures and school environment. The Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) was created in 2000 by the ADL Initiative to address e-learning interoperability, reusability, and durability challenges. Factors Have Greatest Impact On Student Achievement. Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the effect of school safety on standardized learning outcomes for primary-age students in Tanzania, identifying causal direction and magnitudes. the study will be beneficial to the following individual and organization. In a related . Physically active students commonly have higher levels of confidence, self-esteem and self-worth. WPI's 18 academic departments offer 70+ undergraduate and graduate degree programs in science, engineering . Online learning somewhat helps the student to avoid such situations at school. H01: There is no significant relationship between learning environment and the students' academic performance. For instance, Divjak and Tomi provide evidence that computer games impact mathematical learning, revealing the positive effect of games on student learning outcomes. Students can acquire knowledge even in the absence of instructors, but instructors are unable to impart knowledge without students. This type of learning calls for moving educational approaches from a knowledge-broadcasting type of teaching in which students sit and listen to a constructivist alternative in which students. This work is about sustainability-related learning experiences for the discipline of supply chain management (SCM) in Higher Education. Operational Definition of Terms E-learning- involves use and application of information and communication technologies (ICT) to aid learning H02: The extent to which learning facilities affect student performance is very low. According to Coombs (1997), education consists of two main components, inputs and outputs. Similarly, school closing may also affect students because of disruption of teacher and students' networks, leading to poor performance. 3. H03: Class size does not affect gender performance of students. Learning outcomes must focus on what learners will achieve upon completing a particular course they are studying. Quantitative analytical results indicated that student-student interaction has a greater impact on student learning outcomes. Learning is subsequently articulated in terms of observable outcomes and indicators that describe what the learner can do after engaging in a learning experience. collaborate with your colleagues. Since we know that professional learning can help to prevent teacher burnout, it stands to reason that it will also help to excite and engage students in the classroom. It is now possible to give an illustrative and specific answer to every question, which facilitates learning for all students. This chapter explores and assesses the online teaching and learning impact on students' academic achievement, encompassing the passing in review the adoption of students' research strategies, the focus of the students' main source of information viz. According to Hunter (1984) and Reinhartz (1980), teaching is a constant stream of professional decisions that affects the probability of learning decisions that are made and implemented before, during, and after interactions with the students explaining, defining, giving examples, stressing critical attributes and demonstrations. Collaborative learning (CL) is a new trend of learning involving students to participate and interact from their group members. The ongoing debate on the effectiveness of technology use for student learning outcomes still seems to have no clear answers. We welcomed over 200 new teachers to our district last week, and as part of their onboarding, we held an orientation programme for them. Higher Education must respond to dynamic demands to keep impactful topics for students, organizations, and society over time. The biggest challenge with in-corporating active-learning strategies in the classroom is the time constraint of the traditional class period. However, with the nationwide shortage of school counselors, psychiatrists . The impact these foundational notions of student engagement and hope have on students and corresponding school outcomes is precisely the focus of the newly minted ESSA state, district and school . It arises from the need to motivate students with relevant and interesting activities to improve their learning performance. There are many ways that professional development can impact a student learning outcomes. The internet Impact of internet service on academic activities Before the use of the world wide web for information Students' internet usage frequency collection, redefinition, and distribution, academic teaching, Internet usage and learning outcomes learning, and research were limited to resources available Problems faced when using internet . believed that a school with adequate learning environment contributes to stir up expected outcomes of learning that will facilitate good academic performance, by encouraging effective teaching and . Integrating sport in education can also help to reduce levels of anxiety, stress and depression. The study is aimed at the impact of e-learning on the academic performance of students in secondary schools in Educational District IV of Lagos State. One concern is evidence that disadvantaged students are most likely to fare poorly with online instruction. The data was collected from 1000 students as sample for this study. Input consists of human and material resources whereas outputs refer to the goals and the outcomes of the educational process. Always Positive to student learning outcomes. Increasingly, attendance is being understood as a precursor and leading indicator for student success. Studies have shown that students tend to enjoy online courses with lecture videos more than those without, but few studies have measured the impact of lecture videos on student outcomes. Optimal growth means growth connected to learning excellence. This means that when quality output is desired then there has to be an element of experienced human resource to that is able to fully utilize and influence the available resources to instill knowledge of high degree to students, in addition, to tightly control the pupils to get the most out of these resources. This discussion focuses on impact of effective teaching strategies on the students' academic performance and learning outcome along with the researcher's own experiences. There is a radical departure from the direct teaching model in which the teacher engages student to learn. Students who engaged in cooperative pre-exam discussion did not show significant individual learning gains but did show an increase in confidence and a decrease in anxiety. Attending class sessions helps students to stay on track, understand expectations, foster important peer social interactions and generally promote a sense of connectedness. 1. But there seems to be variation in student responses. Covid-19 pandemic becomes global issue that gives global impact in all sectors especially in educational one. The expectation theory focuses on how teachers treat students. This study sought to understand the relationship of environmentally-themed Residential Learning Communities (RLCs) with aspects of Climate Change Leadership (CCL) among first-year college students. Results of the study showed that with the help of arranging more teachers' trainings, students' learning attitude can be changed positively. strong learning outcomes require substantial invest-ments to design and teach. Learning outcomes must be clear and easy to understand. Through learning, employees can refresh skills or identify those they need to work on. The two groups were compared on the following learning outcomes: knowledge, problem-solving ability, and learning satisfaction. These resources include buildings, furniture, playground, compound, toilet facilities, lighting, books, teaching materials, among others . But the fact is they do exist and are a reason for many students to avoid school. The researchers compared student performance on standard assessments in spring 2020 to student performance in the same courses in either fall or spring 2019 to estimate the impact of the emergency switch to remote instruction induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. These included: Depression; Surface Motivation and Approac h; Deafness; ADHD ; Sleep; Other factors . This research was driven by the challenge that enterprise organizations faced when upgrading systems or changing vendors, which often required them to abandon expensive . "Not every skill needed in . And Black students were roughly twice as likely to have had at least one substantiated investigation compared with white students (10.7 percent vs. 5.3 percent). The study suggests that student-based issues, such as mental state, motivation, and personality had a low impact on student achievement, and in most instances negatively affected results. Similarly, the effects of SO2 are larger by a factor of six. A few others mention programmes that have been . The study assessed factors affecting students' online learning outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic through interviews with 404 students . We find that the performance of lowincome students decreased postlockdown, which highlights another potential challenge to transitioning to online learning. As the new academic year begins, many colleges in the U.S. are poised to bring students back to . Results Method Active-learning strategies were implemented in lower level math and aerospace engineering courses. But there is no consistent response as to the effect on students. A teacher plays a vital role within a few hours in the classroom by delivering the daily specific planned content which is a part of curriculum for a specific grade. 2. The effects of PM2.5 on student test scores are larger by a factor of ten for the poorest pupils. These rates have only been exacerbated by the pandemic, and many districts have reported an increase in their students seeking in-school mental health services. Engaging all students in a rigorous, standards-based core academic curriculum Emphasizing project-based learning and other engaging, inquiry-based teaching methods that provide opportunities for students to master academic content, think critically, and develop personal strengths; Customizing teaching and learning using new technologies Recently, some institutions have decided to end their laptop programs for students because of the economic challenges facing those institutions. The picture and sound quality of the live online lectures also contributed to lower performance. In addition to promoting learning, educational games also favor immediate feedback and improve collaboration among students [ 7 ]. WPI graduates emerge ready to take on critical challenges in science and technology, knowing how their work can impact society and improve the quality of life. 4. Abstract The purpose of the study is to examine the students' perception in learning (namely as interesting, challenging and lecture delivery) towards the accounting students' academic. The COVID-19 pandemic, a public health crisis of worldwide importance, announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in January 2020 as an outbreak, has made distance education through the E-learning system an urgent and irreplaceable requirement. The following hypothesis is stated for work. One such important objective is to increase cognizance of the contemporary talents record in the company, besides categorise prevailing proficiency gaps. Educators considering implementing TBL need evidence of its effectiveness. While growth in a general sense is welcome, optimal growth is the goal. Using these data, they addressed three questions: Bridge ( 2020) reported that schools and colleges are moving towards educational technologies for student learning to avoid a strain during the pandemic season. that individual students' characteristics variables such as motivational orientations, self-esteem and learning approaches are important factors influencing academic achievements. These learning activities are used for interactive. The second assumption underlying the cost-effective-ness argumentthat online courses produce student outcomes comparable to those produced by face-to-face coursesis also based on relatively weak evidence. Immersive learning experience a content analysis of the findings, however, brought attention to two key ideas: 1) student opinions of online learning may be based on "old typology of distance education" (tichavsky, et al, 2015, p.6) as opposed to actual experience, and 2) a student's inclination to choose one form over another is connected to issues of teaching presence and Research suggests no detrimental impacts on students' performance from a mix of online and face-to-face teaching, although students tend not to perform so well in purely online courses. search on learning provides strong evidence that active-learning can have a positive impact on student learning outcomes. population and the use of instructional materials has positive impact on the performance of students in junior Secondary schools. Abstract Purpose: Since team-based learning (TBL) was introduced as a medical education strategy in 2001, few studies have explored its impact on learning outcomes, particularly as measured by performance on examinations. Table 1 - Prevalence of reported . Summary: While there is extensive literature on teacher quality, teacher education and training, most of it focuses on emphasising the extent of the problem, their importance, how they might be developed or delivered. Indeed, controlled pilot studies have shown meaningful improvements in student outcomes through personalized blended learning. Students are encouraged to ask questions. What is the impact of teacher training on students' learning outcomes? Academics. Poverty negatively impacts students in a variety of ways within K-12 education and beyond. The first is that engaged teachers are more likely to have engaged students. Two years of survey data were used to assess changes in CCL among students at the University of Michigan, including participants in an RLC known as the Sustainable Living Experience (SLE . The power of pilot testing The most conclusive way to determine that a new learning program caused (or contributed to) a change in performance is to compare the outcomes between what we'll call a pilot group and a group not using the new program, or what we'll call a control group. Environment and the use of instructional materials has positive impact on the student to avoid situations! Performed in 2000 and then repeated every three years time constraint of the live online lectures also contributed to performance! The classroom is the time constraint of the educational the traditional class. The success factor after taking certain assessments from their group members students of certain,!, stress and Depression impact on the student to avoid such situations at school ethnic and! 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